AASHTO and its member state departments of transportation (DOTs) have a long and respected history of leadership, working together to ensure a safe, sustainable, multi-modal transportation system that enables mobility, provides improved quality of life and promotes economic growth.
With the implementation of the previous strategic plan, AASHTO took a bold step forward, reorganizing its committee structure to be better aligned, embrace innovation and respond more fully to the needs of its members. The success of that effort was clearly evident in the development of this new plan, with a highly engaged membership, ready to embrace change and looking to the future.
The 2021-2026 strategic plan expands on AASHTO’s position as a transportation leader. It builds on the organization’s past work by encouraging new and collaborative partnerships and inviting greater participation from members and stakeholders. The new strategic plan will strengthen AASHTO’s efforts to improve quality of life by working toward a transportation system that serves the needs of every community safely, equitably, sustainably and efficiently.
As we navigate an ever-changing world, AASHTO is prepared with this new plan to address the evolving needs of transportation in America, well-supported by its professional staff and its volunteer state DOT membership. We look forward to working together to face challenges, solve problems and celebrate successes as we build the future of transportation.
Providing improved quality of life through leadership in transportation

Supporting state DOTs to connect America with the transportation system of today and tomorrow

Goals and Objectives
Safety, Mobility and Access for Everyone
Advance a safe, multimodal transportation system
Connect community, economy, land use and the environment
Advance equity and social justice
Improve asset performance
Strengthen resiliency
Align transportation interests across partners and regions
National Transportation Policy Leadership
Deliver a proactive policy platform for the future
Evaluate emerging trends in technologies, policies and practices
Communicate the value of transportation
Advocate for sustainable funding
Promote a broad range of thoughts and policies
Organizational Excellence with World Class Services
Be the trusted developers and keepers of transportation standards and guidance
Keep committees relevant and aligned
Build transportation workforce capabilities
Innovate and modernize products and services
Maintain focus on AASHTO’s financial sustainability
Establish framework and tools to enable impactful policy decisions, support implementation within member agencies and make priority research investments
Maintain focus on the elimination of fatalities and serious injuries
Adopt policy priorities that create a safe and sustainable multimodal transportation system
Create methods to better connect transportation research to policies and implementation
Develop policies and provide resources that support ensuring access to transportation systems for everyone
Seek transportation funding innovations
Advocate to minimize the impacts of climate change
Apply scenario planning to better weigh options in decision-making
Be intentionally inclusive as transportation policies are formed
Strengthen partnerships with traditional and non-traditional organizations to support our vision, mission, goals and objectives
Promote the use of AASHTO standards and guidance across all transportation organizations
Collaborate to support equity and social justice objectives
Seek private sector partners for innovation opportunities, expertise and information sharing
Work together with partners to share information and efforts
Collaborate with local agencies
Work with Congress and the administration to advance policies
Proactively shape the future transportation workforce, providing resources to fill skills gaps, build capacity and plan for the future
Develop next generation of leaders and workforce
Provide resources to meet evolving business needs
Create a workplace culture of innovation and continuous improvement
Support attracting and retaining talent
Expand capacity-building products and services
Provide knowledge management resources
Pursue funding for workforce development efforts
Increase diversity, equity and inclusion
Expand ways to engage members and deliver an outstanding and valuable membership experience
Engage new CEOs and members
Create opportunities for members to network and share knowledge
Engage more levels of staff from member organizations including non-voting members and friends
Support diversity and succession management in committee leadership
Improve the collaboration platforms used by committees and staff to facilitate engagement between members and staff
Better communicate policy goals to members and local partners
Foster an optimized organization that is strategic, integrated and efficient – built on sound management practices and best technologies
Embrace a sense of urgency and be agile and nimble
Catalog and provide easy access to materials
Promote diversity in all activities
Deliver timely processes and decision-making
Encourage cross-discipline learning and information sharing among staff
Continuously review and improve strategic communications and brand
Utilize technology to better serve members
Improve AASHTO’s digital presence
Review and refresh older products
About the Plan
The 2021-2026 AASHTO Strategic Plan was developed through an inclusive process with significant input from member state DOT leadership, AASHTO staff and other transportation stakeholders.
Input was gathered in six phases.
Survey input from nearly 50% of the AASHTO Board of Directors, committee chairs and staff
In-depth interviews with a representative group of AASHTO Board of Directors
Review and discussion of peer organization strategic plans
A detailed SWOT analysis of AASHTO
Webinars and retreats to build the strategic plan
Comments and feedback on plan elements throughout plan development
Each phase of input allowed refinement of the strategic plan products for the next phase. Once complete, the plan was reviewed and endorsed by a representative group of AASHTO members whose responses to the document’s vision, mission, goals, objectives and strategies were highly aligned. The final plan was adopted by the AASHTO Board of Directors on November 13th, 2020.
This site was developed through NCHRP Project 20-24(130) Support for Development of AASHTO’S 2021-2026 Strategic Plan but is not an official product of the research project.